Katiria and Hebei come out to play!

(Aka: Why we shouldn't be allowed near cameras)

Parents, are you looking for a new educational story to read the young ones? Are the morals of today's fairy tales just not up to par with your unreal expectations as to the future of you offspring?

Well, look no further! Here at "Katiria and Hebei come out to play!" we are all about quality stories, with quality messages, with quality care put into them. From here on out, you can expect nothing BUT quality in its purest form. This kind of quality can only be obtained by buying it on the black market, one of the many life skills our stories will hopefully teach your youngsters. Some of the other morals we hope to instill in your child are:

1) A deep hatred for everything you try to teach them. (Hey-shrinks will be blaming all their problems on you 20 years down the road. We just want to give your kids a headstart in the world.)

2) A skewed view of the world (Simply because "Skewed" is a fun word to say.)

3) Something so b-grade that they'll laugh. (We strive particularly hard for this one)

So yes, Parents, you are indeed fotunate to have stumbled upon this little jewel of a webpage. Rest assured- we're shaping your children for a brighter tomorrow.

Children: If either you or your parents bought into the previous message, there is no hope for either of you.

Meanwhile, if you'd like to keep yourselves amused, feel free to check out our story collection.

Story 1

Story 2

Story 3